24. An-Nur - The Light

1This is a chapter which We have sent down and decreed its commands, and in which We have sent down clear verses, in order that you may ponder.
2The adulteress and the adulterer – punish each one of them with a hundred lashes; and may you not have pity on them in the religion to Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day; and a group of believers must witness their punishment.
3The adulterer shall not marry except an adulteress or a polytheist woman, and none shall marry an adulteress except an adulterer or a polytheist; and this is forbidden for the believers.
4And those who accuse chaste women and do not bring four witnesses to testify – punish them with eighty lashes and do not ever accept their testimony; and it is they who are the wicked.
5Except those who repent after this and reform themselves; so indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
6And those who accuse their wives and do not have witnesses except their own statements – for such the testimony is that he bear the testimony four times by the name of Allah that he is truthful.
7And the fifth time, that the curse of Allah be upon him if he is a liar.
8And the punishment shall be averted from the woman if she bears the testimony four times by the name of Allah, that the man is a liar.
9And the fifth time, that the wrath of Allah be upon her if the man is truthful.
10And were it not for Allah’s munificence and His mercy upon you and that Allah is the Acceptor of Repentance, the Wise – He would then have unveiled you.
11Indeed those who have brought this great accusation are a group from among you; do not consider it bad for you; on the contrary, it is good for you; for each man among them is the sin that he has earned; and for the one among them who played the greatest part in it – for him is a terrible punishment.
12Why was it not that the believing men and women, when you heard it, thought good of their own people, and had said, “This is a clear accusation”?
13Why did they not bring four witnesses upon it? Since they did not bring witnesses, they themselves are liars before Allah.
14And were it not for Allah’s munificence and His mercy upon you in the world and in the Hereafter, a terrible punishment would have reached you for the discussions you fell into.
15When you rumoured with your tongues after hearing such matters, and uttered with your mouths about which you had no knowledge, and you considered it light; and that, in the sight of Allah, is very great.
16And why was it not that, when you heard it, you would have said, “It does not befit us to speak regarding this; Purity is to You, O Allah – this is a great accusation.”
17Allah advises you never to speak like this again, if you have faith.
18And Allah clearly explains the verses for you; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
19Indeed those who wish that slander should spread among the Muslims – for them is a painful punishment in this world and in the Hereafter; and Allah knows, and you do not know.
20And were it not for Allah’s munificence and His mercy upon you, and that Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful – you would have tasted its outcome.
21O People who Believe! Do not follow the footsteps of the devil; and whoever follows the footsteps of the devil – so he will only bid the indecent and the evil; and were it not for Allah’s munificence and His mercy upon you, none of you would ever become pure – but Allah purifies whomever He wills; and Allah is All Hearing, All Knowing.
22And may not those who possess superiority (in wealth) among you and possess capacity, swear not to give to the relatives and to the needy, and to immigrants in Allah's cause; and they should forgive and forbear; do you not like that Allah may forgive you? And Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
23Indeed those who accuse the innocent virtuous, believing women – upon them is a curse in this world and in the Hereafter; and for them is a terrible punishment.
24On the day when their tongues and their hands and their feet will testify against them, regarding what they used to do.
25On that day Allah will give them their true punishment, and they will know that Allah only is the Clear Truth.
26Vile women for vile men, and vile men for vile women; and virtuous women for virtuous men, and virtuous men for virtuous women; such are innocent of what these people say; for them are forgiveness, and an honourable sustenance.
27O People who Believe! Do not enter the houses except your own until you obtain permission and have conveyed peace upon its inhabitants; this is better for you, in order that you may ponder.
28And if you do not find anyone in them, even then do not enter without the permission of their owners; and if it is said to you, “Go away” then go away – this is much purer for you; and Allah knows your deeds.
29There is no sin upon you to enter houses not made especially for someone’s habitation, and you have permission for its use; and Allah knows what you disclose and what you hide.
30Command the Muslim men to keep their gaze low and to protect their private organs; that is much purer for them; indeed Allah is Aware of their deeds.
31And command the Muslim women to keep their gaze low and to protect their chastity, and not to reveal their adornment except what is apparent, and to keep the cover wrapped over their bosoms; and not to reveal their adornment except to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or women of their religion, or the bondwomen they possess, or male servants provided they do not have manliness, or such children who do not know of women’s nakedness, and not to stamp their feet on the ground in order that their hidden adornment be known; and O Muslims, all of you turn in repentance together towards Allah, in the hope of attaining success. (It is incumbent upon women to cover themselves properly.)
32And enjoin in marriage those among you who are not married, and your deserving slaves and bondwomen; if they are poor, Allah will make them wealthy by His munificence; and Allah is Most Capable, All Knowing.
33And those who do not have the means to get married must keep chaste till Allah provides them the resources by His munificence; and the bondwomen in your possession who, in order to earn something, seek a letter of freedom from you – then write it for them if you consider some goodness in them; and help them in their cause with Allah’s wealth which He has bestowed upon you; and do not force your bondwomen into the dirty profession, while they wish to save themselves, in order to earn some riches of the worldly life; and if one forces them then indeed Allah, upon their remaining compelled, is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
34And indeed We have sent down towards you clear verses, and some account of those who preceded you, and advice for the pious.
35Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth; the example of His light is like a niche in which is a lamp; the lamp is in a glass; the glass is as if it were a star shining like a pearl, kindled by the blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west – it is close that the oil itself get ablaze although the fire does not touch it; light upon light; Allah guides towards His light whomever He wills; and Allah illustrates examples for mankind; and Allah knows everything. (The Holy Prophet is a light from Allah)
36In the houses (mosques) which Allah has commanded to erect and in which His name is taken – praising Allah in them at morn and evening,
37(Are) Those men, whom neither any bargain nor any trade distracts from the Remembrance of Allah and from establishing the prayer and from paying the charity – they fear the day when the hearts and the eyes will be overturned.
38In order that Allah may reward them for their best deeds and by His munificence, bestow upon them an increased reward; and Allah gives sustenance to whomever He wills, without account.
39And those who disbelieved – their deeds are like a mirage in the wasteland, so the thirsty may believe it to be water; to the extent that when he came close to it, he found it is nothing and found Allah close to him, so He filled his account; and Allah is Swift At Taking Account.
40Or like realms of darkness on a deep sea, which is covered by a wave, the wave covered by another wave, and above it is a cloud; layers of darkness upon darkness; if he removes his hand it does not seem visible; and the one to whom Allah does not provide light – there is no light for him anywhere.
41Have you not seen that all those who are in the heavens and the earth praise Allah, and the birds with their wings spread (also praise Him)? Each one has learnt its prayers and its words of praise; and Allah knows their deeds.
42And for Allah only is the kingship of the heavens and the earth; and towards Allah is the return.
43Have you not seen that Allah slowly transports the clouds, then gathers them together, then heaps them together, so you see the rain coming forth from between them? And from the sky He sends down hail from the mountains of ice, then sends them upon whomever He wills, and averts them from whomever He wills; it is close that the flash of its lightning take away the eyesight.
44Allah alternates the day and the night; indeed in this is a lesson for those who can perceive.
45And Allah created every animal on earth, from water; so among them is a kind that moves upon its belly; and among them is a kind that moves upon two legs; and among them a kind that moves upon four legs; Allah creates whatever He wills; indeed Allah is Able to do all things.
46And We indeed sent down clear verses; and Allah may guide whomever He wills to the Straight Path.
47And they say, “We have accepted faith in Allah and His Noble Messenger, and we obey”; then after that a group among them turns away; and they are not Muslims.
48And when called towards Allah and His Noble Messenger in order that the Noble Messenger may judge between them, thereupon a group among them turns away.
49And if the judgement is in their favour, they come towards it willingly.
50Are their hearts diseased, or do they have doubts, or do they fear that Allah and His Noble Messenger will oppress them? In fact they themselves are the unjust.
51The saying of the Muslims when they are called towards Allah and His Noble Messenger in order that the Noble Messenger judge between them is that they submit, “We hear and we obey”; and it is they who have attained the goal.
52And whoever obeys the command of Allah and His Noble Messenger, and fears Allah, and practices piety – so it is they who are the successful.
53And they swore by Allah most vehemently in their oaths that if you order them, they will go forth to holy war; say, “Do not swear; obedience according to the law is required; indeed Allah knows what you do.”
54Proclaim, “Obey Allah and obey the Noble Messenger; so if you turn away, then the Noble Messenger is bound only for what is obligatory upon him, and upon you is the duty placed upon you”; and if you obey the Noble Messenger, you will attain guidance; and the Noble Messenger is not liable except to plainly convey.
55Allah has promised those among you who believe and do good deeds, that He will certainly give them the Caliphate in the earth the way He gave to those before them; and that He will certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and will turn their prior fear into peace; they must worship Me and not ascribe anything as a partner to Me; and whoever is ungrateful after this – it is they who are the disobedient.
56And keep the prayer established and pay the obligatory charity and obey the Noble Messenger, in the hope of attaining mercy.
57Do not ever think that the disbelievers can escape from Our control in the land; and their destination is the fire; and indeed what a wretched outcome!
58O People who Believe! The slaves you possess and those among you who have not attained adulthood, must seek your permission on three occasions; before the dawn prayer, and when you remove your garments in the afternoon, and after the night prayer; these three times are of privacy for you; other than these three times, it is no sin for you or for them; moving about around you and among each other; and this is how Allah explains the verses for you; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
59And when the boys among you reach adulthood, then they too must seek permission like those before them had sought; this is how Allah explains His verses for you; and Allah is All Knowing, Wise.
60And the old women residing in houses who do not have the desire of marriage – it is no sin upon them if they discard their upper coverings provided they do not display their adornment; and avoiding even this is better for them; and Allah is All Hearing, All Knowing.
61There is no restriction upon the blind nor any restraint upon the lame nor any constraint upon the sick nor on any among you if you eat from your houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your fathers’ brothers, or the houses of your fathers’ sisters, or the houses of your mothers’ brothers, or the houses of your mothers’ sisters, or from the houses you are entrusted the keys of, or from the house of a friend – there is no blame upon you if you eat together or apart; therefore when you enter the houses, say greetings to your people – the excellent prayer at the time of meeting, from Allah, blessed and pure; this is how Allah explains the verses to you in order that you may understand.
62The believers are only those who accept faith in Allah and His Noble Messenger and when they are present with the Noble Messenger upon being gathered for some task, do not go away until they have taken his permission; indeed those who seek your permission, are those who believe in Allah and His Noble Messenger; so if they seek your permission for some affair of theirs, give the permission to whomever you wish among them, and seek Allah’s forgiveness for them; indeed Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
63Do not presume among yourselves the calling of the Noble Messenger equal to your calling one another; Allah knows those among you who sneak away by some pretext; so those who go against the orders of the Noble Messenger must fear that a calamity may strike them or a painful punishment befall them. (To honour the Holy Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – is part of faith. To disrespect him is blasphemy.)
64Pay heed! Indeed to Allah only belong whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth; He knows the condition you are in; and on the Day when they are returned to Him, He will then inform them of whatever they did; and Allah knows all things.